Monday, December 21, 2015

Hope for the Holidays

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31

I wonder sometimes how many of you came to this page because of one word: "hope." We are all looking for hope, aren't we? The world is not as we wish it to be. Crime. Violence. War. Broken relationships. Shattered dreams. Illness. Death. Whatever our struggles, sometimes they can overwhelm us and leave us feeling...hopeless. It is then, when we feel like giving up, that we reach for the word "hope," as if just reaching for it were enough. We want to believe that if we just hold on a little longer, then everything will be OK.

I have to ask you, what are you placing your hope? In a half century of life, I have placed my hope in all the wrong places. Friends. Family. Diets. Doctors. My education. My wallet. My intellect. Even my own tenacity and determination. All good support structures to lean on, but not quite enough to bring me through the toughest times in my life. No, when I hit rock bottom, I found there was only One I could truly put my hope in. Day after day, time after time, year after year, I have found Him faithful: the Lord. my God.

Today, as we draw close to Christmas, I wish you love, I wish you joy, and I wish you hope in the One who loves you right where you are, who will never let you go. Life may not be all we wish it to be sometimes, but I know it is better with God by our side. Will you take His hand and let Him lead you into the abundant life He so desires for you? Will you choose to hope in Him?

May you experience the best gifts of Christmas that God has to give you this year: faith, HOPE, and love.



PS - For more on hope, visit these two previous Spring Sight blog posts: Life Questions Answered: What Gives You Hope? (+ 7 Promises) and Hold Onto Hope!

Hope for the Holidays originally appeared on Spring Sight blog, by Linda W. Perkins. Click here for more posts. Get even more encouragement by following me on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter

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